Mcrypt no longer supported in PHP 7.2 – Secure alternatives

Mcrypt is a thing of the past: here's what you need to do now

In 2017, PHP 7.2 will be released and with this new version, the outdated and unsafe PHP-Mcrypt module will disappear for good. Mcrypt has been discouraged for some time because it is no longer safe and reliable. However, some random samples show that some applications still use these functions. In this blog, we explain why you really don't want to use Mcrypt anymore and what the alternatives are.

What is Mcrypt?

Mcrypt is a PHP extension that enables encryption of information. It allows you to send data securely. However, Mcrypt has many bugs and security vulnerabilities, making it no longer a reliable option. Development of the libmcrypt library, which powers the PHP module, has been halted since 2008. This means that known issues and vulnerabilities are not being fixed. The unreliable random generator makes it even more risky to continue using Mcrypt.

Why not use Mcrypt?

There are a few important reasons not to use Mcrypt:
  1. Insecure cryptographic functions: It is easy to use insecure functions, compromising the security of your application.
  2. Outdated software: The libmcrypt library has not been in development since 2008, so bugs and security issues remain unsolved.
  3. Unreliable encryption: The random generator is not reliable enough for secure encryption.

What are the alternatives to Mcrypt?

Fortunately, there are more secure alternatives available for cryptographic functions in PHP:
  1. libsodium: This is the most efficient and secure method for encryption. From PHP 7.2, libsodium is included by default. Are you using PHP 7.0 or later? Then you can already use the Libsodium PECL extension with us.
  2. Defuse PHP-Encryption: This wrapper for OpenSSL makes it difficult to use insecure PHP functions. If you use Composer, you can install it yourself with: composer require defuse/php-encryption. On our servers, this library is available by default and you can call it with: require_once('defuse-crypto');.
  3. OpenSSL: If you cannot use the above options, you can fall back on the OpenSSL functions that come standard in PHP.

The planning of Mcrypt

Since PHP 7, Mcrypt has been deprecated, meaning that using this function will generate a warning in the error logs. Since PHP 7.2, Mcrypt has been removed entirely, and if you try to call the functions anyway, you will get a fatal error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_*.

What should you do now?

Applications like WordPress, Joomla and Magento no longer use Mcrypt functions in recent versions. So you don't need to change anything in those cases. However, if you have another PHP application yourself, we recommend checking your code. Pay attention to the following functions:


You can quickly find code that uses Mcrypt functionality using the following shell command:

lh_mcrypt_functions=(“mcrypt_encrypt” \
“mcrypt_create_iv” \

“mcrypt_cfb” \

“mcrypt_cbc” \

“mcrypt_create_iv” \

“mcrypt_decrypt” \

“mcrypt_ecb” \


“mcrypt_enc_get_block_size” \


“mcrypt_enc_get_key_size” \

“mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name” \

“mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes” \

“mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode” \

“mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm” \

“mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode” \

“mcrypt_enc_self_test” \

“mcrypt_encrypt” \

“mcrypt_generic_deinit” \

“mcrypt_generic_end” \

“mcrypt_generic_init” \

“mcrypt_generic” \

“mcrypt_get_block_size” \

“mcrypt_get_cipher_name” \

“mcrypt_get_iv_size” \

“mcrypt_get_key_size” \

“mcrypt_list_algorithms” \

“mcrypt_list_modes” \

“mcrypt_module_close” \


“mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size” \

“mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes” \

“mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode” \

“mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm” \


“mcrypt_module_openmcrypt_module_self_test” \

“mcrypt_ofb” \

“mdecrypt_generic” \


find_lh_mcrypt_functions=$(echo ${lh_mcrypt_functions[@]}|tr ” ” “|”)

grep -Ern –include “*.php” “$find_lh_mcrypt_functions” .

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